This was a tough one. These are technically chains, but I think that is in the same family as strings, right? This is a shot from Ocean City, New Jersey, June of this year. I had to take about half a dozen shots before I timed it correctly to get my kid as she swung (swinged? swang?) by me. She is the one on the left, having fun, but concentrating on squeezing her toes to hold her flip-flops on her feet.

Swung, I think.
This reminds me of last week when my son went to the fair.
Wow, very cool photo!! Love it.
Nice shot. I love the composition and the lighting. Great interpretation for this week's theme.
Nice photo--I love silhouettes--
sbut trings? okay, maybe..
Great photo! I'm laughing at the thought of her hanging on to her flip flops for dear life!
Hmmm, spinny rides and me do NOT get along. *urp*
Great picture though! :-)
I love those swings! We have them at the fair every year and I can't resist them. That's a cool photo!
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