1. Food is good. For some reason, the idea of taking food to people seems old-fashioned. I suppose since it's easy to get take-out, or order something for home delivery these days, bringing food might not seem necessary. But trust me, it is SO welcomed and needed. During times of crisis, the last thing you are thinking about is food. You don't even feel like ordering out, let alone cooking something. Sometimes you don't even have an appetite. But if someone brings you a roasted chicken, you'll eat it. A neighbor even brought us some take-out pasta, apologizing for not having made it herself, but we didn't care. We ate every bite of it. From now on, I am going to try to take food to anyone I know that is going through serious family illness or death. It's such an easy thing to do, but it really does go a long way.
2. Send a card. Or write a note. Or call. When you feel overwhelmed, confused, sad, angry, exhausted, or whatever, it makes you feel good to know that your friends and family are thinking about you. Don't assume that they know you are, make a point of telling them. A short note, a card, or even a voicemail message to let them know you care is critical to their well being during tough times.

3. Be specific. I know I've said it many times to people, and I always mean it: "If there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to call." Funny though how 99.9% of the time, they never call. While it is still nice to hear that help is available if you need it, most people won't call and ask for it. So if you can, offer something very specific instead. ("Can I call some caterers for you?" Can I bake some cookies for the wake?") It's hard to think clearly when you are dealing with so much, and often you don't even know what help you might need. Even if it's something that seems minor, it probably will be a big help.
4. Hospice rules. Everyone I've spoken to that has had an experience working with any hospice organization seems to agree: they are incredible. The kind of work they do is unbelievably difficult. It most definitely takes a special kind of person, and unless you love it you probably don't do it for long. All of the people that we dealt with were patient, kind, caring, and really supportive. If you ever have a chance to give back to a hospice organization, do it. It is a very worthy cause.
My wife has been a hospice volunteer for 10 years now. She signed up after how great of an experience it was for her family when her mother died.
Great post Susan, and excellent advice!
I'm so glad you're back! Thank you for letting me know you were ok too. :-)
Thank you for this post. It really is good information for others to have.
Good thoughts for you sweetie.
And I love your new header image. Very tranquil. :-)
Jeff-I'm not sure I could handle that kind of volunteering. It's gotta be heart wrenching. It's definitely a calling some people have, and thank goodness for the rest of us that they do. Your wife is good people.
Corrina-You noticing that I hadn't posted was one of the few bright spots I had last week, actually, so thanks! Glad you like the header. I never seem to have enough time to post, let alone mess with the layout. That is a picture I took a couple of months ago in Sanibel, Florida, that I figured is better than nothing until I have time to be more creative.
I believe this expresses how much good people can do to support each other.
You know, it is good to sort of have a guideline, if you will, of what to do in that scenario. I think too many people feel they should stay away, give the family space.
When really, a note or a gesture means so much.
Mom--It's nice to have a big family, isn't it?
Cardiogirl-You are so right. Something that really only takes a few minutes of your time can really go a long way.
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